NEW RTO WEBSITE UPDATE: February 4th., 2025

We are excited to announce that our NEW RTO WEBSITE will replace this existing website on February 15th., 2025
This website will no longer be online.
Developed for use by all members, as well as the general public it will include pertinant documents, forms etc. from this site.
Until February 15th, we invite everyone to browse the new site using the temporary address https://rtonstu.ca/
After February 15th., your current website login address will still be valid but will direct you to our new website home.
And Now You Know



An Important Message from ACER-CART President Bill Berryman
Concerning An Action of The Retired Teachers Ontario RTO/ERO

At a recent ACER-CART Political Advocacy Committee meeting it was brought to our attention that the Retired Teachers Ontario (RTO/ERO) are considering changing the name of their organization to Entente. This is the same name as their Group insurance Plan. They are now claiming to be “Canada's Education Retirees” and want to expand across Canada by having other retired teacher organizations join their group insurance plans, hence becoming RTO/ERO members. I have written the following letter that was sent to the 54 RTO/ERO District Presidents explaining why this needed to be stopped and also explain that ACER-CART is the official body representing retired teachers in Canada. I believe it is important that RTO members be apprised of these actions and continue to support ACER-CART as “Canada's Education Retirees”. Bill Berryman President ACER-CART
Please click HERE to view the details of my letter.

A recent change in regulations to the Teachers’ Pension Plan increases the number of days a retired teacher can substitute in the 2024-25 school year.

The RTO has advocated through the NSTU RTO Liaison Committee for this increase
Details can be viewed HERE

Are you (or do you know) a retired teacher who would like to join the RTO? Simply complete the Application form, available under the Horizontal display menu item, Documents


The following RTO Table Officer positions are open for nominations for the terms noted:
President ☆ 1-year position
Treasurer ☆ 2-year position
Secretary ☆ 2-year position

Completed application forms must be sent to the Chair of the RTO Nominating Committee no later than February 28th., 2025. Fillable Applications for these positions are accessible below and under Documents on the RTO website.
Application for President - HERE
Application for Treasurer or Secretary - HERE

These positions will be filled at the RTO AGM in Halifax, tentatively scheduled for May 16th, 2025.


2025 RTO Annual General Meeting Resolution Submission Form

Note: In accordance with the RTO Constitution, Resolutions to be presented at the 2025 AGM for debate and approval must be received by December 15th., 2024. A fillable resolution submission form is available here. or can be accessed by slecting the drop down menu item fillable forms found in the horizizontal menu item Documents.


THE 2024 RTO PROVINCIAL CURLING BONSPIEL was hosted by the KINGS Local RTO at the Glooscap Curling Club in Kentville, NS, Friday, March 8th., and Saturday, March 9th., 2024. We extend congratulatons to Co-hosts Ed Getson and Keith Moore for organizing such a successful Bonspiel. Their final Bonspiel report can be read HERE.


offers one-stop shopping, by identifying the many health services available to Nova Scotia residents.
Its Main Menu, updated frequently, provides answers to questions you may be hesitant to ask of our health care system.

The NS Positive Aging Directory gives quick and easy access to the many programs and services offered to seniors in our province.


NSTU/RTO Deals & Discounts

Be sure to check for the latest NSTU/RTO Deals & Discounts (November 2024) HERE
or on the side bar.



ACER-CART has produced a resource

for retired teachers and seniors to counter elder abuse.

in a information brochure and available here to view, in English OR French.

ACER-CART Recommends McMasters Optimal Aging Portal

Newspapers and the Internet cover lots of stories about health care for the aging Canadian, but the emphasis is usually on drama (dramatic findings from a new study, dramatic events with no mention of related scientific research), with less emphasis on substance.
Readers are left to wonder which information to trust.
The Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART) supports the McMaster University Optimal Aging Portal which features quality scientific evidence about healthy aging information that can help Canadians remain healthy, active and engaged and to manage their health conditions.
The Portal evaluates health research and resources, telling users whether free health resources on the Internet and in newspaper stories are based on scientific research, are reliable, and are worthy of note.
Users can register for free at: McMasters Optimal Aging Portal and gain easy access to search the full content of the Portal.

Advance Care Planning or ACP is a process that helps people prepare for future health care decisions and to choose decision makers in the event they are unable to speak for themselves.
The RTO has been partnering with the Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association to help people and their families prepare for a serious illness through advance care planning education. For more information on Advance Care Planning you can contact  Advance Care Planning or The Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association
 The Retired Teachers Organization and the Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association  jointly provide leadership for the planning to our membership and community.
 If your RTO Branch is interested in conducting an Advance Care Planning Workshop, please  contact your Branch President or Alyson Hillier at nsrtopresident@gmail.com

External Links - The Retired Teachers Organization of the NSTU provides links to external sites as a service and convenience to visitors and is not responsible or liable for the content, accuracy or appropriateness of those sites. The presence of a link does not imply that Retired Teachers Organization of the NSTU necessarily endorses the services, products or information provided on these other sites or agrees with the views expressed therein. If you use the linked sites, you will leave the Retired Teachers Organization of the NSTU website, and you do so at your own risk.

Accuracy - While we make every effort to ensure that the material on this site is up to date and accurate, the Retired Teachers Organization of the NSTU cannot guarantee that our web site will be error-free. You acknowledge that your use or reliance on the site or materials is at your own risk.

Last Updated: February 4th., 2025